Content marketing is not one of those marketing efforts where you see immediate results. It’s a long-term investment that will likely not show ROI for some time.

In addition, if you’re creating content and not getting the results or engagement you were hoping for after giving it enough time, you may need to shift your content strategy.

Here are some common concerns when it comes to content marketing and how to overcome them.

You’re afraid of giving away the “secret sauce.” You worry by sharing your ideas that others will take your advice and do it themselves or steal your ideas.

So while you can’t prevent someone from taking your work, you can relax knowing that you are the only one who can implement them in your own unique way.

Clients are looking for the right expert to help them. If you work in law firms or professional services, these busy potential clients don’t have time or the score rise to do what you do.

And remember that most people don’t know what they don’t know and even if they know they need to do something they don’t know HOW to do it. While people may look to you for inspiration, they don’t know HOW you do it and they want your help with doing it right.

You write with the biggest possible audience in mind, based on the idea that casting a wide net will increase the reach of your content. This is a misconception because narrowing your focus is the most effective way to have a strong impact and effective content marketing results. 

I’ll give you an example, I am a marketing jack of all trades, and I can handle any kind of marketing task. But I am known in the industry for being a social media and content marketing expert. Why? Because I write and speak about those topics often. And that was on purpose.

Again, you can’t be everything to everyone. Pick your area(s) of focus and focus on it. Once you demonstrate your expertise in that area your other abilities will shine through.

You worry no one cares what you have to say. So you wind up playing it safe, with vanilla content and not saying what you really want to say.

Here’s the thing: Your network WANTS to know what you have to say. They want to know your viewpoints.

It was only after I started injecting my insights and points of view into my blog posts and LinkedIn posts that I started to have success as a voice in the industry.

If this makes you uncomfortable, try by sharing articles that are already written and adding introductory text with some of your own opinions and insights. Then gradually work your way up to writing your own content. It was only when I started sharing my own stories and experiences that I had real success in social media and content marketing.

Remember to be be bold, be unique and be yourself. And most of all be consistent and be committed. The people who are most successful on social media are those who post consistently, and who are in it for the long-haul.

Try adjusting your content marketing strategy based on this advice, and let me know how it goes!