If you’re trying to raise your profile on LinkedIn and you’re not ready to post yourself, there’s an easy way to do it and it takes only a few minutes each day.

It’s by commenting on other people’s LinkedIn posts.

THIS is how you start appearing in more people’s news feeds!

Here are a few simple and effective rules to follow before commenting:

  • Leave a Thoughtful Comment – When you leave a comment, your goal should be to give thoughtful feedback or ask an insightful question.
  • Comment on or Mention Other Commenters – A great way to keep the conversation going is to mention or reference other commenters. This is a great way to build relationships. Make sure to connect with them too.
  • Mention the Author. In every comment you leave, reference or mention the post’s author. Select their name from the dropdown box using the @ sign  they will get a notification.
  • Ask a Question/Keep the Conversation Going – Overall, the goal is to make yourself part of the conversation. A great way to do this is to ask a thoughtful question in your comment.

You can do the same thing on Twitter and Instagram and have similar results but I think LinkedIn is where business professionals should start.

So on which posts should you comment?

  • Posts with a lot of comments already – these posts already have high visibility so adding your own viewpoints to a post like this is a good thing because you can build your own visibility with an already built-in audience.
  • Authors who regularly post to LinkedIn – again, these posts will have a built-in higher visibility, giving you the opportunity to reach a wider audience and build your own brand faster and more strategically.

Take the time to comment on posts once in the morning and once in the evening, and you’ll start to build your own following and enhance your brand!