LinkedIn recently launched a Career Explorer tool which is designed to help members find possible job transitions, based on their profile and LinkedIn insights into their skills based on 36K skills and 6K job titles.
This is not another job search engine. It’s a tool that matches a person’s skills with jobs that she or he might not have otherwise considered, and then provides pointers on what extra skills you might want to learn to be even more relevant.
The idea with this new tool is that while people may be losing their jobs, there is still work out there. LinkedIn is in a unique position to help individuals looking for a job. So the aim is to figure out how best to connect people with the opportunities around them.
With 14+ million open jobs and a professional community of more than 720+ million people worldwide, LinkedIn has the tools and resources to help many of those derailed by the pandemic reclaim their careers. The platform reports that it is seeing people come to LinkedIn in record numbers to search for jobs, nearly 40 million each week, and despite a challenging job market, three people are getting hired on LinkedIn every minute (!).
During this unemployment crisis, it’s also time to change the stigma associated with unemployment. Contrary to what people think, LinkedIn reports that from their conversations with hiring managers, that almost all of them (96%) would hire someone who had been laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is welcome news.
For anyone searching for a job, the hardest part is knowing what to do next. That’s where LinkedIn (and I) want to help. LinkedIn will provide job seekers with insights to identify the right career path, learning opportunities to get the skills they need and a community to connect them to opportunities. I will be offering a free webinar on how to build your brand using LinkedIn (register here), and anyone who signs up and is out of a job is eligible for a free one-on-one LinkedIn profile session with me.

Here’s how the Career Builder tool works:
- [Skills for “Job Title”] displays the skills associated with the Job Title
- [Skills Overlap] shows skills you already have in common with suggested Job Transitions
- [Skills to build] identifies the skills you may need to build and links to LinkedIn Learning coursework
- [Popularity] scores the Transition Success Frequency based on a 1 to 10 Score
- [Find Jobs on LinkedIn] locates open jobs that are available in your region
- [Find Connections on LinkedIn] searches for LinkedIn members who might be able to help you
Check it out and don’t forget about the #OpentoWork photo border.
We are all in this together. Sign up for my free webinar.