Did you know that there’s absolutely no way for every single LinkedIn connection of yours to see every single post of yours?
In fact the odds are against you that they will even see your posts.
That’s because of the time of day that they are on LinkedIn, when you post, your hashtags and LinkedIn‘s complicated algorithm.
This is why it is so important that you reuse and repurpose your content on LinkedIn.
That means you cannot spam your connections with your content no matter how hard you try.
I see so many people take the time to create great pieces of content and then they post this content just one time. I call it one and done.
Law firms and professional service companies do this all the time.
You should be reposting client alerts, blog posts and upcoming events and webinars multiple times because that is your most important thought leadership content.
Don’t worry about spamming anyone because you simply can’t!
Success on LinkedIn is being a consistent presence with content of value.
So let your existing content work harder and smarter for you starting today. Make a simple calendar to track your posts.