Consider incorporating hashtag and social media holidays into your content calendar.
These holidays – which occur every month – provide opportunities to stand out, show pride in a cause you care about and be more human by showcasing your culture and people.
While you don’t need to create a post for every hashtag holiday, take advantage of the opportunities that make sense for your brand.
I regularly present these holidays to my clients, and we discuss which days make sense for their brand and then I create posts for them.
Here are some ideas to help you for August.
August is National Black Business Month, recognize your favorite Black-owned businesses all month long.
Highlight your nonprofit partners on National Nonprofit Day.
Ask your employees for their favorite books for Book Lovers Day.
You could post your employees’ favorite recipes on the drink and food days.
Create a photo collage of your employees’ dogs for National Dog Day.
For any fashion days like Bow Tie Day – ask your employees to submit photos of them in that trend.
Women’s Equality Day has special meaning this year. It’s a day on which you can highlight your women’s initiatives efforts and even tie it to current events.
See how easy it is? Here’s a full list of August holidays.
Which of these holidays will you incorporate into your social media strategy?
- August is Black Business Month #BlackBusinessMonth
- August 1 – American Family Day #AmericanFamilyDay
- August 2 – National Ice Cream Sandwich Day #NationalIceCreamSandwichDay
- August 3 – National White Wine Day #NationalWhiteWineDay
- August 4 – Single Working Women’s Day #SingleWorkingWomensDay
- August 4 – National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day #NationalChocolateChipCookieDay
- August 6 – National Cycle to Work Day #NationalCycleToWorkDay
- August 8 – International Cat Day #InternationalCatDay
- August 9 – National Book Lovers Day #NationalBookLoversDay
- August 10 – National S’mores Day #NationalSmoresDay
- August 10 – National Spoil Your Dog Day #SpoilYourDogDay
- August 11 – National Sons and Daughters Day #SonsAndDaughtersDay
- August 11 – Annual Medical Checkup Day #AnnualMedicalCheckupDay
- August 12 – International Youth Day #YouthDay
- August 13 – International Lefthanders Day #LefthandersDay
- August 13 – National Prosecco Day #NationalProseccoDay
- August 13 – National Best Friends Day #NationalBestFriendsDay
- August 16 – National Tell a Joke Day #NationalTellAJokeDay
- August 17 – National Nonprofit Day #NationalNonprofitDay
- August 17 – Baby Boomers Recognition Day #BabyBoomersRecognitionDay
- August 18 – Never Give Up Day #NeverGiveUpDay
- August 19 – World Photography Day #WorldPhotographyDay #WorldPhotoDay
- August 19 – World Humanitarian Day #WorldHumanitarianDay
- August 19 – National Aviation Day #NationalAviationDay
- August 21 – Senior Citizens Day #SeniorCitizensDay
- August 26 – National Dog Day #NationalDogDay
- August 26 – Make Your Own Luck Day #MakeYourOwnLuckDay
- August 26 – National Women’s Equality Day #WomensEqualityDay
- August 28 – National Bow Tie Day #NationalBowTieDay
- Auguat 28 – National Red Wine Day #RedWineDay
- August 30 – National Beach Day #NationalBeachDay
- August 30 – National Grief Awareness Day #GriefAwarenessDay
- August 31 – Love Litigating Lawyers Day #LoveLitigatingLawyersDay
Which of these days will you create a post for?