Last year I had to move three times in three months. I hate change and hadn’t moved in many years prior to this. The initial move downtown was supposed to be permanent but my boyfriend suddenly decided to end our relationship three months after I officially moved into his apartment.
I had donated most of my stuff when I moved in with him, so I had to start over from scratch (in every sense). I didn’t know where to live, and moving out of our home was the last thing I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to be somewhere familiar and near a park.
I wound up moving across the street from my old apartment because it fit those criteria. It hasn’t been an easy nine months and the pandemic has only worsened it. My solace is that park near my home, which provides a serene, beautiful environment and lots of fresh air. While my apartment still doesn’t feel like home and I’m still grieving, I go there often (with a mask of course), sit on a bench and exhale. This park was also my home away from home when my mom died of cancer a few years ago.
Springtime is the park’s most beautiful season with all of the flowers that have risen from the ground. Nature is cathartic. It signals a rebirth in so many ways. I hope I continue to rise up and wish the same for all of you as we try to navigate and find joy in this scary unprecedented time.
If you are feeling sad and not yourself please know that you’re not alone. Sending love to everyone. 🌺🌸🌷🌹