I get a lot of social media questions, and I wanted to take the opportunity to answer them in a new “Ask Me Anything” regular series.

Here’s the first question I received, “How do I restart a LinkedIn company page after a year of not posting anything on it?”

The answer is simple. No one is following your company page closely enough to notice that you haven’t been posting on it, so if you are serious and strategic about building up your LinkedIn company page’s content and followers, you can easily do it at any point, but make a commitment to be consistent with it from this point forward in order to stay top of mind with clients, prospects, employees, recruits, the media and others who are interested in your organization.

Consistency is really important when it comes to success on LinkedIn but also because it’s one of the characteristics associated with a good lawyer. You don’t want to have fits and spurts with your LinkedIn page because it can also harm your professional reputation once you build a following.

I can’t stress enough the importance of having a strong social media presence on the channels on which your clients and prospects are, and for most law firms and professional service firms, LinkedIn is the most important social media business networking platform. So if you don’t have a LinkedIn company page, or you have one but have never posted to it or posted on it a long time ago, now is the time to start using it in a meaningful way as online networking and branding has never been more important due to the pandemic and constraints on in-person gatherings.

By being consistent, I mean posting regularly to the page (at least once a week) with content of value to your followers and developing a strategic social media strategy that includes an editorial calendar with future posts, the right hashtags and correctly sized visuals to accompany the news, thought leadership, practices and people you want to highlight from your business.

You can always restart a LinkedIn company page, or any social media platform for that matter. The key is to be committed to its growth and development from a content and audience perspective. If you don’t have the time to manage the platform yourself or you aren’t sure what types of content to post on it or you’re worried about running out of things to say, seek the help of a trained marketing professional at your firm or outsource it to someone like me.

I’d love to answer other questions you have!

Note: Join me on Wednesday, July 15 at 1pm ET for a free virtual program on LinkedIn and personal branding best practices for business professionals who are currently looking for a job. Register here.