In this installment of Women Who Wow, learn more about California-based legal marketing consultant Merry Neitlich.
Merry has been the founding partner of EM Consulting for the past 30 years, which works with law firms and lawyers to create unique and sustained business development opportunities focused around the transformative changes taking place in the marketplace.
Merry also works with the entire legal ecosystem in mind assisting law firms and law departments create better productivity, efficiency and processes. In addition, she works with clients on a wide range of marketing and branding projects.
I met Merry through the Legal Marketing Association and found her to be generous with her time and advice, and incredibly kind. Learn more about her.
What do you love most about what you do?
Nothing is more satisfying to me than working with a firm, practice group or attorney and watching their relationships grow, successfully watching as their visibility increases, of course, successfully driving new revenue into the firm or for a partner.
Tell us about a woman you look up to and why.
The woman I most admire is Dr. Maya Angelou. Dr. Angelou was the keynote speaker at an LMA Conference about 8 to 10 years ago. She was a riveting presenter, we all hung on every word she uttered. And I grew to admire her more every year since then. She provided inspiration to everyone who knew about her. My favorite quote of her reads, “People may forgot what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”
What do you wish you could tell your younger self?
Don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s almost all small stuff. We shouldn’t tear ourselves down but rather celebrate joy and accomplishments while we are along our path.
Connect with Merry on LinkedIn.
I can’t believe it’s been almost a year of featuring so many terrific women in this Women Who Wow series. I plan on continuing it into 2021 as there are so many more fantastic women to profile! If you’d like to recommend someone to feature, please let me know!