Update to LinkedIn stories – you can now tag people in your posts!
LinkedIn just enabled users to tag people in posts using the @ sign. A list of people will pop up when you start typing (see images below).
You can tag not only first-degree connections but also second-degree connections. This adds a quick link to the person’s LinkedIn profile. They will also get a notification that you tagged them in the post. This helps with building relationships and shining a spotlight on someone else.
This is a welcome update. This is similar to tagging someone in a regular post. While you cannot tag a company yet, I’m pretty sure that’s coming soon.
In my opinion LinkedIn stories is a great visibility tool which is underutilized by many people and companies. And that means you should use it to your benefit to stand out from the pack.
What I love most about this feature is that it puts your name and company right at the very top of LinkedIn users home screen on the mobile app.
I also love using it because not many people have incorporated it into their marketing strategy. I post stories for all of my clients, many of which are law firms. It’s another way to stand out from others and help your content and people get noticed.
Check it out. Also check out the article on my blog about Joshua Baron who is tagged in this post.
Note that you can only use LinkedIn stories on your mobile device for now.