Here are some things I’ve learned the hard way over my nearly 20 years in legal and a couple years as a magazine journalist that I wanted to share.
I wish I could tell my younger self all of these!
- Always assume good intent (until proven otherwise)
- The path to success is never straight
- It’s ok to not have the answer – go research it
- Money isn’t everything nor does it define your success or happiness.
- Your health is your most valuable asset
- You can do anything, but not everything
- Done is better than perfect and good is good enough
- No one is perfect despite what social media shows
- You control 2 things in your life. Your decisions and your attitude. Don’t waste either.
- Strong people raise, inspire and motivate those around them. They don’t tear them down. Surround yourself with strong people.
- Stop caring what other people think of you – care more about what you think of you.
- There will always be something outside of your control. Focus on what matters, what’s important and what will move you forward.
- Don’t be a mean girl/guy or participate in gossip
- Keep your circle small and keep things private
- When you surround yourself with good people, good things start to happen
- Allow kindness to guide you personally and professionally
- Sometimes life doesn’t go the way you planned but there’s always something to learn from every situation. These hard lessons are what make us stronger and helps us grow.
- Procrastination is really your fear of screwing up manifesting itself
- Do the worst first
- It’s ok to not be ok sometimes
What would you add?