Have you started using LinkedIn newsletters yet? If not, you should!
Most LinkedIn users aren’t using LinkedIn newsletters yet (which you can send from either your company page or personal page) or aren’t sure what to include in them, which gives you a huge opportunity to stand out. Also, if you don’t have a strong email list or you haven’t yet started an email newsletter, this is a great way to dip your toes into email marketing.
LinkedIn newsletters are effective because they’re housed right on LinkedIn, making LinkedIn a content hub.
In addition, the first issue of your LinkedIn newsletter is sent to every single person to whom you are connected and who follows you, so that amplifies their power. Subsequent issues are sent to those who subscribe to your newsletter both as a notification in LinkedIn and as an email notification. There’s nothing more effective – and direct – than that for reaching your LinkedIn connections with helpful, value-added content.
LinkedIn newsletters are also very SEO-friendly, meaning they can appear in search engines whenever someone is looking for a specific topic that they want to learn more about.
Here are a few ideas on what to include in your LinkedIn newsletter.
- Add recent blog posts and articles as well as older evergreen pieces.
- Only include the first paragraph or first few lines of the selected piece with a hyperlink to the rest of the content, which is housed on your blog or your website. This will keep the newsletter short and drive traffic to your site.
- Another thing to include in your LinkedIn newsletter are highlights of your community service, pro bono work and diversity initiatives because your audience really wants to see that you’re a good corporate citizen and helps to humanize your brand.
- Your LinkedIn newsletter is a great communications vehicle to highlight your recent press coverage but try not to make the accompanying write-up overly promotional. Instead try to reframe it in a client-centric way.
- Another thing to promote in your LinkedIn newsletter are upcoming events and webinars to increase attendance. You can also include recaps of past events and webinars with links to watch them to get more visibility for them.
- You can actually include a native link to a video that’s housed on YouTube right within the LinkedIn newsletter, so it plays in the body of the newsletter, which makes it very easy for your audience to watch your videos.
- Also, why not include a Q&A series with new employees, star employees, your clients or alumni. You can also promote open jobs as another way to help with the recruiting process.
Here’s a video with more on ideas for what to include in your LinkedIn newsletter.
I hope these ideas are helpful! Reach out to me if you need help implementing them.