Have you tried using LinkedIn newsletters yet? If not you should! You can now easily create a newsletter on LinkedIn‘s platform through either your personal page or your company page.

LinkedIn newsletters can help with brand awareness, establishing subject matter authority and expertise and of course, lead generation.

The reason you should create a LinkedIn newsletter is because not many people are and it sends an email notification and a LinkedIn notification when you publish your first issue as well as subsequent issues. There is no other way to directly reach people on LinkedIn. And it’s free!

Let me repeat that in case you missed it. The most significant benefit of publishing a LinkedIn newsletter is the automatic notification that it sends to your subscribers via the notifications section on LinkedIn as well as email. 

It works so well that within a few hours of creating my first LinkedIn newsletter I had over 3500 followers.

Don’t assume that everyone is seeing your LinkedIn posts (there is in fact, no way to ensure that every connection of yours sees each of your posts – and the tricky algorithm essentially ensures that), so this is a great way to repurpose them once a week in a digest and increase their visibility and the likelihood they will be seen by a wider audience.

You also can repurpose your email newsletter content because people are busy and they don’t necessarily see everything you send them.

I recommend including a short synopsis of your blog posts, articles, videos, webinars and other content that you want to include with a hyperlink to view the full text that links back to your website. This helps to drive traffic to your web site and keeps the newsletter short.

Check mine out as as an example.

To gain access to publish a newsletter on LinkedIn, you must turn on Creator mode in your profile settings.

The downsides of LinkedIn newsletters are that the analytics are not robust – so unlike emarketing, you don’t really know who viewed it, which articles resonated with them and other important metrics.

Also, unlike your emarketing mailing list of which you have complete ownership, you don’t have the email addresses of your LinkedIn newsletter audience, so the content and their contact information lives on LinkedIn’s platform. That’s why I recommend also having an email newsletter and a robust email list. I recommend adding a sign up for your email list link in your LinkedIn newsletter to help with collecting emails off of LinkedIn’s platform.

LinkedIn creates a landing page for your past issues, which is very useful so you can direct people to view your content and have them in one place. In addition, make sure to add the link to your past LinkedIn newsletters or the most current link to the featured section of your LinkedIn profile so that it is highlighted front and center on your LinkedIn profile!

Here’s how to create a LinkedIn newsletter.

Here are some content ideas for what you can include in your LinkedIn Company Page Newsletter:

  • Article snippets with links to your latest blog posts or client alerts
  • Links to past webinars (provide a synopsis too)
  • Links to recent podcasts and videos (with shownotes)
  • Recent case studies
  • Q&As with your employees
  • Highlights of your community service/pro bono work
  • Announcements of your recent hires
  • Recent press coverage (this would be the only place where I would recommend including self-promotional items in the newsletter – the rest of it should be client-focused)
  • Upcoming events/webinars
  • Open jobs – why not promote them through this newsletter? It’s a competitive job market
  • News about your diversity and women’s initiatives programs – clients care a lot about this

Will you try out a LinkedIn newsletter?

If you want to learn more about how to do this, sign up for my e-newsletter where I post content like this.

Here’s a video with more about why you should create a LinkedIn newsletter.