My super smart friend Jamie Mulholland published an article on with some terrific advice for those business professionals who are finding themselves with extra free time on their hands during the pandemic. This is a great time to focus on all of the things you wish you had the time to do.

Jamie says, “What you can accomplish now will pay dividends in the future.” Here are some ideas:

  • Your LinkedIn profile: Pop on the firm website, print it out, mark it up, add to it. You might even choose to rewrite it completely using verbiage you think a potential client would like to see to be moved to make the choice to reach out to you.
  • Your publications: Certainly, you have had an idea or two for an article, right? You have had no time to pursue it. But you do have time for one thought. Open a Word document. Type a working title for one of those ideas and a sentence or two to back it up. Then close out the doc and come back tomorrow. I find that, even though I may write just three or four sentences on an idea, if I come back to build on it each day, these pieces often seem to write themselves within a week.
  • Your events: Have you thought about putting together a CLE or other educational event? Yes, it may be some time before in-person educational events occur as we once knew, but for now, try and flesh out just one of your ideas. As with the article idea above, give it a fun title and a few sentences on what you would cover.
  • Your network: Would such an event be even more impactful if you brought in some like minds (or potential referral sources) to present alongside you? Why not take the event you thought about above and reformat it as a panel? Make a list of potential participants and reach out to them. (Look what you just did there: two birds, one CLE.)
  • Your online presence: When was the last time you reviewed your LinkedIn profile? How about other social media (Twitter, etc.)? If you do not have accounts established, and it is right for your practice, go ahead and set them up. Think about content that lends itself to what you do and a schedule that is sustainable for you to follow. If nothing else, you can use these outlets to support firm messaging through reposts and retweets.
  • Your web content: Does your firm host a blog? No matter who is in charge of curating the content, know that you can always add your own. Your perspective is personal and valuable.
  • Your big picture (on the little screen): Video is just so huge for law firms right now. Done well, it can showcase firm capabilities and your philosophy and help you to stand out. What are your ideas for videos for your firm?
  • [Your idea here.] I often find that every attorney has, in the back of their mind, a fantastic marketing idea they simply have never had the time to pursue. Give yourself five minutes (go on, give yourself 10, you deserve it) to think about how to get it in motion. Momentum breeds momentum.