I think we could all use a little additional injection of happiness right now, especially as the second wave of the pandemic is upon us and the holidays look different than years past.
Here are a few tips to inject more happiness in to your everyday life.
- Smile more – studies price smiling the mere act of smiling makes you happier
- Sleep
- Workout, meditate – get moving!
- Listen to music – right now I’ve got my holiday playlist on repeat 24/7
- Give compliments
- Perform a daily act of kindness
- Help others and your community
- Take joy in other people’s success (and promote them)
- Share your knowledge/teach someone
- Spend time with family and friends
- Get rid of clutter
- Be grateful
- Think of happy memories from the past
- Look through old photos – make albums on your phone to quickly sort them
- Do things that make you happy and say no to things that don’t
- Spend time with pets. You can borrow mine if you want!
I’d love to hear what you’re doing to keep your spirits high right now.