If your goal is to grow your business and brand on LinkedIn (which it should be!), here’s what you need to do:

  • Have a strong foundation – meaning a more optimized LinkedIn profile
  • Engage more on LinkedIn – have more conversations and use the notifications section to give you reasons to reach back out to important people in your network
  • Use LinkedIn more as a competitive intelligence tool – follow your competitors so you know what they are doing (this will provide inspiration and helpful information
  • Do more strategic networking – LinkedIn is at its heart a networking site – make sure to use it for that purpose and don’t just sit back and accept connection requests. To be truly successful on LinkedIn you must actively build your network by adding connections.
  • Support more people in your network – liking, commenting and sharing other people’s content and posts will build stronger relationships and help keep you top of mind with your connections
  • Post more consistently – again by posting information of value to your network, you will stay top of mind with your connections so that when they need someone like you, you are front and center

Notice the use of the word “more” in all of these.

By focusing on your LinkedIn goals, you will become more laser focused and strategic. Showing up for others and supporting them is just as important as pursuing your own goals when it comes to growing your brand and business – and it takes little time every day.