In case you want to know a little more about me,  how I got started in legal marketing, what I enjoy most about what I do and why volunteering for the Legal Marketing Association has been so rewarding for me, here’s an interview that I did with the LMA Northeast Region last year when I served as the secretary on the board of directors in 2017 and 2018.

Stefanie Marrone, LMA Northeast Board Secretary
Director of Business Development and Marketing
Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP

How did you get started in legal marketing?

I got into legal marketing by accident. I was a writer and editor at a major women’s magazine, and I had always thought about going to law school but I wasn’t ready to make the leap. During college I had interned at a private equity fund that used Paul Weiss as their lawyers, and it just so happened that they were looking for an in-house writer/editor and someone to start their alumni program. So I took a blind leap of faith in 2002, and it was the best decision that I made.

What do you love most about what you do?

Every day is different, fast paced, challenging and presents a myriad of opportunities to learn something new. As technology has evolved, so have our jobs. For example, my job completely transformed with the evolution of social media. It gave us the opportunity to amplify content and reach target audiences more effectively than ever before. The power of “owned” media vs. “earned” media enabled us to tell our stories in much more profound way. I loved the challenge of persuading lawyers on how effectively using social media could really help to differentiate their brands in a crowded marketplace.

What do you enjoy most about being an LMA volunteer?

In 2009, the New York Chapter conducted a series of programs on how to bulletproof your career during the financial crisis. It was incredibly helpful and timely as many people were being laid off and firms were being shuttered. I was so impressed at how the legal marketing community came together during that period. I was a pretty junior marketing person at that time, and I vowed from that point on that I would do my part to support this organization and return the favor. I am so thankful to the LMA for everything it has offered to me through the years – from lifelong friends to job opportunities to professional growth.

What do you do in your free time?

I do a lot of yoga, barre and Flywheel classes. I also love to go to concerts – I’ve seen the Dave Matthews Band more than 20 times all over the country since college. I have a French bulldog and I love to take him for walks in Manhattan and see how he puts a smile on people’s faces.

What’s something that fellow LMA members would be surprised to learn about you?

I used to write the horoscopes for a major women’s magazine. I caution you to not believe everything you read!

What’s your favorite thing about living in your current city?

I love everything about living in New York City – the energy, the people, the diversity, the food, the nightlife and art – and the comfort of knowing there is a Duane Reade and an Apple store open 24 hours a day very close by.