Here’s the latest guest post in the in-house counsel success series by Major Lindsey & Africa legal recruiter Dimitri Mastrocola.
Before starting a new general counsel role, it’s important to schedule pre-start date conversations with key internal stakeholders.
Which means reaching to the CEO, other executive team members, the Board, direct reports and strategic peers within the company to make valuable first connections before starting the job.
You should get a head start on this by scheduling informal lunch or coffee dates, exchanging emails or texts, and connecting by telephone or Zoom.
This will give you (as the incoming GC) the opportunity to:
✅ Gain perspective from the outgoing GC (if available) on the operating styles, histories and expectations of board members, senior management and other stakeholders
✅ Start building positive working relationships with future colleagues
✅ Share ideas and plans for tackling responsibilities as the new GC
✅ Ask questions about information you’ve reviewed in key corporate documents
✅ Learn about current material projects and key initiatives at the company
✅ Gather ideas for drafting a 90-day action plan as new GC
✅ Generally, approach your first day on the job armed with a solid initial base of knowledge and support.
Read Dimitri’s other article in the i -house counsel success series.
Contact Dimitri with any questions about this post. Connect with him on LinkedIn.