I’m often asked how you can get a post to go viral on LinkedIn. It doesn’t happen often but it can. When I went viral, my post got more than a million views and 12,000 likes and it surprised even me. I knew it would do well, but not that well. Here’s the thing, going viral on LinkedIn isn’t about trying to go viral. Nor is it just about getting your content in front of people, it’s about getting it in front of the right people.

Valentine’s Day is traditionally about showing love to the people who matter most to us, but it’s also a great time to recognize the tools and platforms that play a significant role in our professional development.

LinkedIn, with its network of nearly one billion users worldwide, is one such tool, deserving of recognition for its impact on career advancement and networking. This February 14th, let’s shift our focus to appreciate LinkedIn for its role in connecting us with opportunities, industry peers and valuable insights that aid our careers.LinkedIn goes beyond just linking professionals; it’s a dynamic space for learning, sharing and growing within your industry.

Who says Valentine’s Day is reserved solely for the world of consumer romance, with its bouquets, heart-shaped chocolates, and candlelit dinners? There’s a unique opportunity for businesses to craft content that resonates with the themes of love and appreciation, not just for partners and spouses but for clients, employees, and the community your business serves. Here are some ideas for how B2B companies can harness the spirit of the day to strengthen relationships and express gratitude in meaningful ways.

In today’s digital age, your professional presence online can significantly influence your career trajectory. LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, stands at the forefront of this digital revolution. However, merely having a LinkedIn profile is not enough. The question is, are you fully leveraging LinkedIn to your advantage, or are you inadvertently linked out, missing out on the myriad opportunities it offers? Here’s how to maximize your professional impact using LinkedIn.

Creating a content calendar filled with engaging and relevant content is a constant challenge for many businesses. Leveraging holidays and special days is a strategic approach to keep your content fresh, engaging and in tune with your audience’s current interests. This post provides insights into how businesses can integrate holidays and special days into their content strategy to enhance their social media and marketing efforts.

As businesses seek to strengthen their presence on social media, recognizing and participating in relevant holidays, monthlong commemorations and special days can significantly enhance engagement and connectivity with their audience. March presents a variety of opportunities for businesses to craft compelling content that resonates with their followers. Here’s a strategic guide to leveraging these dates for impactful social media posts and content creation.

In the world of business and personal branding, the notion that “you have to spend money to make money” is a common adage. However, my experience has taught me something important: providing value for free can yield returns far beyond the initial investment. This post will explore the power of free offerings and provide actionable advice on how to leverage these opportunities to benefit your career.

Today professional networking and personal branding are more critical than ever, being on LinkedIn is not just an option for lawyers and business professionals—it’s a necessity. The platform stands as the digital Rolodex, connecting nearly one billion professionals worldwide. However, those not leveraging LinkedIn’s vast network and resources might find themselves “LinkedOut” – isolated from a world brimming with opportunities, connections and insights essential for professional growth and success.

Establishing a strong professional brand is more important than ever. LinkedIn, as the world’s largest professional network, presents a unique platform for professionals to showcase their expertise, insights and leadership. One of the most effective strategies for achieving this is by publishing articles directly on LinkedIn. This approach not only amplifies your professional voice but also significantly enhances your visibility and impact within your industry. It’s also free(!). Think of LinkedIn as your very own blog.