We are going to be okay. Really. Even though many of us are sequestered at home, life will go back to normal – it just will likely be a new normal.
In the end this pandemic will be a learning experience – about why stuff and status aren’t that important, why we should be kinder and compassionate to others, why we must elect officials who put healthcare and the well being of its people first, why science is so important, why life is fragile and every day should be treated like a gift, why you shouldn’t put off doing what you really want to do or spending time with loved ones (especially the elderly), why it’s the little things that make us happiest, why pets are so good for us and most importantly, why we need to look out for each other.
Lend support where you can by checking on your neighbors, family, friends and those who need help in your community.
Practice self-care such as yoga, walks, meditation, Facetiming with loved ones.
Please stay safe, stay home and be kind and helpful to everyone.