LinkedIn Publisher is a powerful tool for disseminating content to your connections and followers and creating a library of your articles linked to your profile.
LinkedIn will often introduce a new update without announcing it and then push it out to its 500+ million users on a rolling basis – and there’s no way to know exactly when you will have the enhancement – which can be frustrating.
One such update is that you can now delete a LinkedIn Publisher article from your mobile device. You can also edited delete the info text/teaser post that you created to accompany the article. Below is screenshot of the menu of options on your mobile device for this feature. The “delete article and post” option is the new addition.
While this is a terrific enhancement for on-the-go users and administrators, you unfortunately still cannot write or edit a LinkedIn Publisher article from your mobile device. This is a huge inconvenience for users who are often posting and editing from their smartphones. You also can’t edit the cover image or any other images you included in the body copy.
So keep up the good work LinkedIn, but please add the ability to write and edit LinkedIn publisher articles soon. So many of us work from our smartphones and enhanced features shouldn’t only be available on a desktop.