When you engage on LinkedIn with your professional contacts, you must do two things on a consistent basis– make individuals in your professional network feel good and offer them valuable content that showcases your expertise. These light touches will help to keep you top of mind and can often lead to new business, and will bolster your brand.

In addition, LinkedIn provides great excuses to reach out to your contacts through its notifications section, which you can easily customize. It gives you powerful information on your contacts’ job moves, work anniversaries, speaking engagements, awards, published articles and more.

Use the information from these posts as the catalyst to reigniting relationships that can lead to conversations that can open doors to new client engagements. Remember, this is low-hanging fruit – the basic type of business development outreach that you can do right from your desk or mobile device, which is so important right now.

Remember – your goal is to stay top of mind, to be helpful and to provide value to people in your network. Information is power here. I’ve seen several business professionals get new clients and new matters from existing clients just from checking the notifications section of LinkedIn. So why not?

For more tips on LinkedIn, read my JD Supra article on how to “Build a Stronger Professional Network Today with These LinkedIn To-Do’s.

Join me on Friday, May 1 for a webinar on how to create compelling visuals for social media for nothing or little cost. All the proceeds will go to a COVID-19 related charity.