The photos in my Facebook memories can be reminders of great times in the past or painful memories of people who disappointed or hurt me. Also given current conditions and quarantining, seeing photos of myself happy, carefree and outside make me long for those days.
So much has changed for me in one year both personally and professionally, but what has not changed are my relationships within the Legal Marketing Association. I am eternally grateful for so many of these colleagues who are not only great soundboards and brilliant leaders, but also for the deep friendships we formed through the years.
I’ve known many of these people for more then a decade, and we’ve grown up together in many ways. Even though we are physically apart right now, we remain connected via social media, video conference, texts and email.
Maintaining close relationships with industry friends and colleagues is so important for your development and well being. I lean on these people in so many different ways and vice versa.
These photos were taken last year at this time at the 2019 Annual LMA Conference in Atlanta. How crazy life can change in a year. Mine is completely different now. But we must embrace change and go towards where it leads us. Wishing all of my LMA friends and all of you happiness and safety especially now. Xo