Today, most people do not send an email when they move jobs, instead they use LinkedIn to notify their professional network. It’s up to you to do the due diligence to find where they landed and add that info to Outlook and your CRM.
LinkedIn gives you great reasons to be in touch with contacts in your professional network, so every day, like and/or share others’ posts in your industry or even better, write content that you can then also share.
Congratulate the successes of those in your network through the notifications section, such as job moves, promotions, job anniversaries, professional milestones (a board appointment, award, the publishing of a book, etc.). Use these milestones as reasons to reach out to individuals who you’ve been meaning to contact.
These notifications can serve as the catalyst to reigniting a relationship and lead to a new client engagement. They can serve as the “hook” you need to get your foot back in the door with someone important.
The goal is to keep your network “warm,” which you can do through these light touches.
This will help you build your personal brand and stay top of mind with your professional network. For more tips, read my article, “Build a Stronger Professional Network Today with These LinkedIn To-Do’s.”
So take these actions today – you can easily do all of the above while on your commute to or from work – and this is when many people are on LinkedIn so you will have a captive audience. Remember you have to make time for business development in order to be successful at it and LinkedIn is like a garden that must be regularly tended to and cultivated.