I started the Women Who Wow series to coincide with Women’s History Month, but since news related to COVID-19 has consumed us, I’ve decided to continue running the series throughout the year, because there are just too many amazing women to fit into one month.

One of those amazing women is New York-based Brandie Knox, the principal and creative director of Knox Design Strategy. I met Brandie several years ago through the Legal Marketing Association, and we hit it off right away. I admire her for her entrepreneurial spirit, her creativity and her kindness.

Learn more about Brandie and her career path.

Why did you choose your profession?

My love of fine art, primarily drawing, initially inspired me to go to art school and continue to study graphic design and photography. It wasn’t until much later that I realized I had an aptitude for business and strategy, and that I could bring enhanced value to my clients’ businesses. I love helping my clients to achieve their goals – helping them grow their businesses through visual problem-solving and improved user-experience.

What does Women’s History Month mean to you?

It is a time to thank the women who have helped us along the way. It’s a time to think about how far we’ve come, but also about how far we still have to go.

What do you love most about what you do?

Seeing that “aha” moment light up in my clients’ eyes. I truly enjoy the variety of projects we take on and personalities I encounter. Every project is different, with its own set of rewards and challenges — it’s never boring!

Tell us about a woman you look up to and why

It’s cliché, but I look up to my mother — she’s one of the smartest women I know. She can sew, draw and even refinish hardwood floors. She has a beautiful yard – she can put anything in the ground a make it grow! It’s really quite amazing – she can pretty much do anything. She also runs her own cosmetology business. Only her smarts and business skills got passed down to me!

Do you have a mentor?

My college professor, Eva Roberts, was my mentor throughout grad school and my early years in New York – she’s still a close and dear friend. In many ways, Eva inspired my move to NYC and my career in legal marketing, and I’m grateful to her for giving me the push I needed! My Aunt Ranae gets a lot of credit too. I never forgot that she took me on my art school tour. I’m grateful to her support and encouragement over the years.

What do you wish you could tell your younger self?

Listen to Eva! Be fearless. Go and try something new and different. Don’t be afraid of failure.

How do you achieve work/life balance?

I’m still working on this. Just like I schedule everything else in my life, I also calendar some occasional time to disconnect, to read a book or spend time with people I love. I think it’s important for us to accept that we can’t be switched on all the time. I struggle to take time out as I’m sure others do, but I truly believe we are better when we take breaks and clear our minds.