The end of the summer is here, and a new season is about to be upon us. In spite of what’s been a difficult year for many of us with the pandemic clouding everything we do and affecting many of us personally and professionally, I wanted to provide a little bit of positive advice.
Here are some things I’ve learned after experiencing a tough year myself that it’s never too late to:
✅ Start over
✅ Pursue a dream
✅ Make amends
✅ Focus on your professional development
✅ Make someone happy
✅ Be kinder to others and yourself every day
✅ Simplify your life
✅ Cut out toxic relationships
✅ Believe in yourself
✅ Move on from past hurts
✅ Create your own version of success
✅ Exercise and take care of yourself
✅ Shift your career entirely
✅ Say yes (or no) more
✅ Break your routine
✅ Work on your bucket list
✅Stop trying to live up to other’s expectations
✅Stop comparing yourself to others
✅Stop believing you don’t deserve happiness
✅Stop doubting your abilities
A year ago my life was completely different. I was living with my significant other, and we were talking about getting married and starting a family. I was an in-house marketer. I had a large circle of friends.
Today, I am an entrepreneur with my own business, I have a close group of friends and found out that many of the people who I thought were good friends were actually quite mean spirited, and my significant other was more interested in one of our mutual acquaintances than me and wound up orchestrating a dramatic end to our relationship to be with her. You just never know where life is going to take you, and you have to go with the flow.
Remember, you can achieve anything to which you put your mind. Every failure or tough time usually leads you to a better place. The only way to fail is to stop trying. You can find happiness and fulfillment – it just takes hard work.