In what is the very best news in the entire world for those of us who manage LinkedIn company pages, you can now edit posts from your mobile device!

This is a long overdue enhancement to the platform.

It will make it easier to update your page and regularly post updates, generating more engagement from your followers.

Also, now when individuals connect with you on LinkedIn, they are immediately also offered the opportunity to follow your company page. I believe this recent change has contributed to the skyrocketing of my firm’s LinkedIn company page followers.

Another feature you should know about is that company page administrators can now connect their pages to relevant hashtags, enabling them to get their posts and content to more readers who will find it relevant to their interests. You can also easily invite your connections to follow your company page as well (just once!) – you can start a campaign at your firm to encourage your employees to invite their connections to follow your firm’s page offering incentives to those who obtain the highest number of new followers.

Take advantage of these tools to increase your LinkedIn followers and watch your content expand its reach and how you will generate more leads! More followers = more visibility and business.