It’s never been more important to use LinkedIn regularly as we are now exclusively having to network online and conduct most of our social lives and business by video conference, email and phone during the COVID19 outbreak.
So what can you do right now to build your brand and business during this uncertain time? The answer is to regularly use LinkedIn.
- Today, most people do not send an email when they move jobs, instead they use LinkedIn to notify their professional networks. It’s up to you to do the due diligence to find where they landed.
- Link in with individuals you met at conferences over the past six months. If you have collected any business cards from past events, now is the time to go through them.
- LinkedIn gives you a reason to be in touch with contacts in your professional network
- Every day, like and/or share others’ posts in your industry and at the firm and also write content that you can then also share. This will help you build your personal brand and stay top of mind with your professional network.
- Congratulate the successes of those in your network through its notifications section
- Job moves, promotion, job anniversaries, professional milestones (an appointment to a board, an award, the publishing of a book, etc.). I have seen these notifications serve as the catalyst to reigniting a relationship and leading to a new client engagement. They can serve as the “hook” you need to get your foot back in the door with someone important.