My guess is that many of you have more free time now due to the pandemic, which had slowed down deal flow and litigation activity.

Plus working from home eliminates

I’ve been working with several of my clients to craft communications to send to their clients now that some states have allowed law firms to reopen their offices.

Businesses of all types have a responsibility to explain new health and safety protocols that are in place to prevent the further spread of COVID-19.

Getting client communications right is critical to the success of your business in a post-pandemic world, as clients and potential clients are looking for businesses that make them feel safe and secure.

Effective, consistent communications during a crisis will help you maintain client trust, restore employee morale and confidence, and retain market stability. For both B2B and B2C businesses, consistent messaging across all channels is key. All messages should be timely, relevant, empathetic and considerate of your clients’ current needs and concerns.

Each state has different policies on what is allowed in their jurisdiction, so be sure to check  your state’s guidelines (here’s information on NYC’s guidelines) and work with your office administrator and firm leadership to be sure that you are operating within what is permissible and of course, always put the health and safety of your employees first.

The below communication may be a helpful framework for you as you are thinking about how to communicate your reopening to your clients. Please adapt it for your audience.

Remember that it is still not business as usual by any stretch of the imagination – and no client expects you to be reopening. COVID-19 is still very much a threat to all of us. You may want to rethink how you’ve been conducting business in the first place – perhaps you can conduct more business remotely and only require employees to go into the office for essential functions. This is a great time for law firms to be innovators – your clients will certainly appreciate that.

Stay safe.