Do you want to know the real keys to success on LinkedIn?
It’s about shifting to a client-centric mindset in all you do.
It’s about making your posts about your audience and helping them. It’s not about posting ME-centric content that touts your successes.
- Real success happens on LinkedIn when you start building relationships, telling stories allowing people to get to know you and are dedicated to providing value to your connections every single day. Here’s how:
- Post relevant and useful content consistently. Think about serving and helping others in each of your posts – NOT about promoting yourself.
- Storytelling really works. People connect with you more when you share stories. It makes your content personal and unique, and makes you stand out.
- Share career and business opportunities with your network. LinkedIn is a great place to find candidates and referrals. You never know who might be a potential employee or employer. Always have your profile in tiptop shape.
- Introduce your connections to people you know and offer to help others.
- Engage with your connections’ content. Your reactions, shares and comments can help them build their brand and audience.
- Give away helpful free stuff: free talks, free consultations, free CLEs, free tools, free ebooks, etc – think how can these freebies showcase what differentiates me and my organization? Also there’s no such thing as giving away too much free stuff.
- Be a mentor. There’s always someone who can learn from you. Paying it forward is just the right thing to do.
- Be YOU. You can add value by simply being you! (And don’t forget to add a little bit of whatever is that secret ingredient that makes you unique).
Learn more about how you can easily do this on my YouTube channel.