I’m often asked how to make a real impact on your branding and revenue generation efforts with social media, and it’s quite simple, requiring little to no investment. Social media is a powerful tool, especially now.
- Every post should contribute something of value and regularly create engaging, timely and helpful content
- Use metrics to refine your strategy
- Always include visuals with your posts (use canva.com to help you easily create imagery without having to hire a graphic designer)
- Don’t assume that your connections see your posts – reuse and repurpose your content into multiple posts
- Only focus on the social channels used by your clients/prospects
- Use (the right) hashtags
- Create a strong company and individual LinkedIn profile – fill out all sections, include a strategic headline, professional and updated headshot and cover image on your company page/profile
- Use social media to spotlight others to build relationships
- Spotlight your company’s good works – community service, CSR, diversity and pro bono – these posts do very well.
- Connect more: Reach out people with whom you’ve lost touch, such as former colleagues and classmates, join LinkedIn alumni and industry groups and add Outlook contacts to your LinkedIn network.
These tips will work for any size company and in any industry. Reach out to me at stefanie@stefaniemarroneconsulting.com if you’d like to learn more about how to do this at your company.