My content tip for today is to showcase your expertise and help others by offering clients and the general public access to offer educational resources about the coronavirus.
For example, many firms, both large and small have launched Coronavirus Resource Centers on their web sites that include client alerts, webinars and other helpful resources for those navigating the crisis. This is smart and responsible marketing.
My one caveat is that most of these firms named their COVID-19 sections the same way – the Coronavirus Resource Center. If you’re going to create one in the near future, I’d recommend choosing different nomenclature.
This is great content that you can repurpose on your social channels. Each alert can give you at least three social posts. How? You can summarize the article in your first post using author headshots as a visual, the second post can include a quote or excerpt from the alert and the third post can feature a statistic or use icons to amplify a point made in the piece. You catch my drift.
The idea is to be clever and creative and reuse what you have. Make your content work harder and smarter for you.