Use LinkedIn today. Not tomorrow. It is THE most important networking tool for professionals and will help you quickly build and grow relationships, strengthen your brand and stay top of mind with key individuals in your professional network.

Today, networking online is just as important as making in-person connections. And in the professional world, LinkedIn continues to be the most important social media channel for business development.

Don’t forget that your LinkedIn profile is often the first or second Google search result when someone searches for you online. LinkedIn is powerful, period. 

While in-person interactions will always be vital to maintaining relationships, clients are no different than you or your lawyers and are getting pulled in a hundred directions each day. They just don’t have the time to see their lawyers in person as much.

As a result, many prefer to interact with their outside counsel online.

LinkedIn makes it easier and more efficient than ever to nurture relationships.

Also, start to explore using hashtags on LinkedIn – they help your content be found.

I spoke about the power of LinkedIn at LMATech and if you want to read more, check out my JD Supra article on “Build a Stronger Professional Network Today with These LinkedIn To-Do’s.”