Here are some tips on how you can easily enhance your social media presence and build your brand and business – note that none of these have to cost you anything to do!

  1. Have a clear, concise bio on LinkedIn and your web site
  2. Have a strong profile LinkedIn photo and header
  3. Include a LinkedIn profile cover image
  4. Post to social media once per day (either sharing or curating content)
  5. Build your network – link in with people you meet and interact with each day
  6. Share and like content from your company page – ensure your company page is regularly updated with fresh content about the firm/events/news and firm life (community service, diversity, pro bono etc.)
  7. Join the alumni groups of your alma maters and former firms (even defunct firms have them)
  8. Use the right hashtags
  9. Use hashtagify and Ritetag to help find the most relevant hashtags
  10. Post content at peak times (commuting hours and lunchtime)
  11. Reply to all comments and messages
  12. Give thanks to others who share your content and share theirs
  13. Comment on others’ posts (complimenting them)
  14. Google yourself, your clients and your prospects regularly and use that information to your advantage
  15. Study analytics from each social post and use that to inform your content strategy going forward
  16. Look at what your competitors are doing and do it better
  17. Always include a visual to accompany your posts
  18. Tag others mentioned in posts and photos

Contact me to learn more tricks and join me on April 1 for a LinkedIn master class!