Despite coronavirus fears, we still had a good turnout of attendees at my New York City Bar Association program for small law firms and solo practitioners last night on how to use LinkedIn to build your brand and business. Just to keep on the safe side, I did hand out antibacterial wipes upon entry.

At the beginning of the session, I spoke about the impact of the coronavirus on marketing efforts and in-person networking because it really has changed our lives in the short-term. You can still network (social media is a great tool right now) but be careful, smart, follow the CDC guidelines, wash your hands often and for 20 seconds, don’t go out if you are ill, and most importantly, don’t stop completely living your life until we are told to do so. Even then you can use social media to continue to network while being sensitive to what’s happening in the world. Let common sense and empathy guide you. Facts not fear.

Here’s a link to the article to help firms navigate how and when to market themselves during this crisis that may be helpful.

Thank you Eve Guillergan and Arlene Bein for welcoming me into the #NYCBar community.