What can being on social media (specifically LinkedIn) do to help law firms and their lawyers? Well for starters it can:

  1. Showcase your firm’s expertise and increase brand awareness for your lawyers and your firm – staying top of mind is key in a crowded market.
  2. Serve as a lead generation tool for prospective clients (all content should lead back to your website.
  3. Give you the opportunity to generate your own positive public relations about your firm and lawyers when you’re not getting in third-party publications – this is key. Public relations success isn’t about just getting into the New York Times. It’s really hard to do that. You can create your own PR with owned media campaigns.
  4. Help with recruiting and retention efforts and highlight your unique firm culture. Again this is key today. If you’re not using social media to help with your recruiting marketing strategy, you’re behind in this great resignation period.
  5. Improve your SEO results on Google and other major search engines. It’s so important to be found on the internet – especially when it comes to local SEO – as many people do use Google to search for lawyers with certain capabilities.
  6. Effectively market your thought leadership. If your blog posts and client alerts aren’t getting as much readership as you would like compared to the amount of time you’re spending writing them, social media can help with this IF you get your lawyers involved in spreading the word about them.

I can give you many more reasons why you should incorporate social media into your marketing and business development strategy – especially due to social distancing and how much the world has changed as a result of the pandemic.

But most importantly your clients are searching for you and your firm online every day.

It’s imperative that you leverage the social channels where your clients and prospects are – I would start with a LinkedIn.

If you haven’t set up a LinkedIn Company Page do it immediately. It’s never too late to start building your social presence.

Remember using social media is free for the most part. You may need someone like me to help you harness the power of your content  and network but you’re essentially using it as an amplification channel.

I have a number of upcoming webinars on how to do this. Take a look at the link for more info.

I would love to hear your success stories for how you are using social to help your firm.

Follow me on LinkedIn and YouTube and sign up for my e-newsletter for more on these topics.