Social media has been one of the key ways I built my brand and business over the years.
It took time and dedication, but once I figured out how to use social media, it wasn’t hard.
Here’s how I did it and how you can too learning from my mistakes and successes.
A major factor in my social media success was in building and nurturing my audience’s trust through sustaining an authentic brand persona in my social media marketing strategy.
I did this by sticking to my content pillars – the areas of expertise for which I wanted to be known that were in my wheelhouse.
I didn’t brag about myself. I aimed to always help others and provide value.
I wasn’t shy about being myself or being vulnerable at times. I told stories.
I knew that not everyone would like me and that’s okay – that’s why there is an unfollow button 🙂
A key lesson I learned was that I didn’t need to be on every social media channel. It’s better to choose one or two and do it right.
For me, LinkedIn is the primary social network where I focus my efforts because that’s where my clients and prospects are.
I do recommend that even if you’re not planning on using other social platforms, claim your domain names on them so that somebody else doesn’t. Upload your logo on those platforms and a link to your website in the contact info section at the bare minimum.
Make sure to not post the same content on every social media platform. It’s simply just not one size fits all. Not to mention the dimensions of the images need to be adjusted and the way in which you use hashtags are different on each platform.
It’s also so important to post frequently in order to build your brand and clout on social media.
If you’re not posting with a regular cadence, you won’t be visible, and if you’re not visible, you’re forgettable, so focus on the frequency of your posts while also focusing on their quality.
Quality is more important than the quantity of your posts.
But overposting is a thing – so don’t post more than once a day or you will hurt the reach of your posts.
Spending time learning everything you can about the algorithm of the social platforms on which you want to be successful will be key to your success. (That’s why you don’t see me posting links in my posts because LinkedIn doesn’t like when we do that!)
Building relationships with others and giving back without expecting anything in return is another core part of your success because social media is at its core a community.
I hope these tips have given you ideas for enhancing your social media presence.
What else would you add to this list?
Try out these tips and let me know how your brand and business grows as a result!
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