I’m often asked how do you know if your social media efforts are working, and other than resulting in new business, which may take time to materialize, there are other ways to know if what you’re doing on LinkedIn and other channels is effective.
You’ve become a social media master when you are:
- active and engaged
- writing and curating content (sharing content from your firm and other industry sources, just never from another law firm)
- asked to speak/write as a result of your posts
- helpful to others, you bring in value, you give before you get
- bringing in real business
And when it comes to content, you:
- reuse and repurpose (capitalizing on timeless evergreen posts)
- create once, publish everywhere (but adapt the content to the particular medium)
- use a visual content strategy
- show vs. tell in every post
- don’t seem boastful but rather take a “humblebrag” approach to your posts
- put the client first with value-added, client-centric content
- share content at the right time – during morning and afternoon commuting hours and lunchtime
Social media success is so much more than the number of likes, comments or shares – it’s when you can tangibly see the results of your efforts though doors opening, stronger professional connections and new business opportunities.