I came across a great article by industry leader and friend Deborah Farone on law.com on legal marketing in the time of COVID-19. The line that resonated with me most was “They will all need lawyers. Firms need to have a concerted effort to look at the future and how these changes will affect their clients and will impact business.”
There is so much opportunity for firms and lawyers that really think strategically and thoughtfully about how to help their clients navigate these uncertain times. They key is to not be boastful or self-promotional.
Deborah discusses how we as a profession can grow or, at the very least hold onto, business during the time of COVID-19.
When it comes to technology, she says, “If firms are not up-to-speed on remote communications technologies, this is the time to get on board. Many clients will expect to meet with their lawyers online. Deploying these technologies does not have to be difficult. With app-based companies, technology can be downloaded remotely, and training sessions can be run online. With guidance from the firm as to how to properly run a videoconference meeting (along with a solid agenda and clear objectives) firms can use remote technology to do new business pitches as well as strategy meetings.”
She also says, “Firm leaders must take a big role not only in steering their firms to stay safe, but steering the focus deeper from client service to client care.
This is a time when partners need support and guidance.”
She closes by saying “With various tools at their disposal and the intellect to adapt, law firms will steer themselves into the future.”