Join me for the virtual Social Media Master Class!
While we may not be able to gather in person and in groups, online networking and content marketing is still very much available to you to market your firm and yourself. In a time of crisis, the advantage belongs to the nimble, quick and emotionally intelligent.
We may have to physically distance, but we don’t have to social media distance – distance learning is a great tool for all of us.
The program will cover how to use social media for brand building, client retention and lead generation (for professionals of any level and firm size) and will provide actionable tools to enhance your presence on the social media networks and utilize LinkedIn as a business development and thought leadership platform.
Anyone can join – junior or senior, consultants, in-house professionals or lawyers. I’m offering three dates – March 27, April 1 & April 9. Sign up for the one that works best for you. Each session includes a follow-up one-on-one LinkedIn profile audit with me. Message me with questions.