Frank Ramos, LinkedIn lawyer extraordinaire recently posted the below LinkedIn post that I thought was so insightful and wanted to share with my readers on how to develop good habits as a lawyer. I think anyone can apply these tips to what they do. I know I will.
So much of being an effective lawyer is developing good habits.
Good habits of being proactive with your cases.
Checking your calendar.
Maintaining a case list and regularly checking it to ensure no to-dos, much less any case, slips through the cracks.
There are over a dozen books with the word “habit” in the title. They all say the same thing:
Choose a task.
Perform it regularly (the books say it takes anywhere from 2-4 weeks for a task to become a habit)
And then the task becomes a habit.
You’re on autopilot.
You don’t need a reminder to check the calendar for the month each morning because you’ve developed a habit of doing so.
You don’t need a reminder to post to LinkedIn.
You don’t need a reminder to check your case list daily.
Decide on what positive habits you want to create for yourself.
If you’re not following Frank on LinkedIn you should be!